Location: bangalore, karnataka, India

Sometimes editor, sometimes counsellor. Trying to find a way of life that makes some sense to me.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Observations from a random Friday evening

Sleep deprivation, an incubated viewing room and a film that can only be described as a piece of ultraviolence. What begins as a disenchanted journey into the world of poorer Vietnamese suburbs takes on sinister, fantastic proportions when the observer's fever dream melds with the violently articulate visual masterpiece until observer and observed are one. In this state of half-conscious surreality, one is hard-pressed to find where the fiction ends and the dream begins and where the dream ends and reality begins. And as dream and fantasy both assume new shapes and forms, polarities disappear into continuums.
And then I see it again... there are no rights and wrongs, no universal ethic, no higher guiding light. We define the rules of our engagement.
We are at once our greatest hope and our worst enemy. And with war massing on borders around the world, I wonder if we will prevail. And more importantly, are we meant to prevail.


Blogger nib said...

sorry, buddo, no way.

have commented on your other post :)

9:47 AM  

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